Why did the Swedish Empire Collapse?

#History #Sweden #Documentary Why did the Swedish Empire Collapse? Marvelous empire after marvelous empire has spread its grasps across the globe over the centuries of society’s existence; some more memorable than others, but all nonetheless once-powerful and highly relevant in their time. Across the European continent, many fantastic imperial powers have left their footprints on their own soil and abroad. But, one European empire that tends to deserve more credit than it’s often given was the mighty empire of Sweden…
from Medieval History Book https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DQtIgICNpu5g%26feature%3Dshare&h=AT2yCl5DL0aT6eCnAnVM56gT25eo6skAVQ3_RzgORcH4eE91bd_ohzLsRLKemIBH9D8UJYEtorylBe8NfuL_nJnsPMAQnrhL7dK877-joLSKSBGsJ0wt6s5tUeLCwg1z9ofhxyd8wrT31OOj7b9m&s=1


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