Harald Hardrada - Rise of a Viking Legend (1015-1041) DOCUMENTARY
#History #Vikings #Documentary Harald Hardrada - Rise of a Viking Legend (1015-1041) DOCUMENTARY This animated history documentary series will trace the life of Harald Hardrada. Episode 1 - Rise of a Viking Legend kicks things off by tracing how he would in the fortune and fame. We begin with a recap of the history of Norway and the state of the Great North Sea Empire. At the time of Harald Hardrada's birth in 1015 it had been shattered following the death of Svein Forkbeard and was now being fought over by various heirs. Among them was Olaf the Second, the half-brother of Harald Hardrada who took the throne of Norway. He would be challenged by Cnut the Great in the pivotal clash at the Battle of Stiklestad. Here a 15 year old Harald was said to have brought 500 men from his father's lands and actually taken up position in the battleline. However when Olaf was killed, the prince would be forced to flee into the forest and ultimately escape to Sweden. Here he regrouped with other survivors and turned east for a brighter future. This move would lead a young Harald Hardrada on a series of adventures that would bring him great fame and fortune, eventually culminating in his service as a Varangian Guard to the Byzantines. But this service would come to a dramatic end when he took on an Emperor. Future episodes will deal with his rule of Norway and his attempt to take the seat of England at the Battle of Stamford Bridge against Harold Godwinson.
from Medieval History Book https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dxn57xCokWkc%26feature%3Dshare&h=AT0pfIFhluuj_yGqEvAQm417Wid4KzEzwEgHC09B3IYij4TRVCaI3sJ6La7sTmDNcHf3V9M7K-koZ8MOtCqgwqUnNsoylgBt28io3Fi3ca_SRGmoM4wtHN9cjKnhPf-kzfj8FHq-8PVdFOq7yytD&s=1
from Medieval History Book https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dxn57xCokWkc%26feature%3Dshare&h=AT0pfIFhluuj_yGqEvAQm417Wid4KzEzwEgHC09B3IYij4TRVCaI3sJ6La7sTmDNcHf3V9M7K-koZ8MOtCqgwqUnNsoylgBt28io3Fi3ca_SRGmoM4wtHN9cjKnhPf-kzfj8FHq-8PVdFOq7yytD&s=1
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